I went to Ralph's (the grocery store) today (the one on Hollywood and Western) and something sort of weird happened. Nothing too weird, no people dressed in apple tree costumes stole my fruit and scolded me for killing their children or anything like that, but it was still a little odd. Mostly because it wasn't like a "policy" or anything, or at least it isn't yet. Then again, perhaps the policy was tried out on me. You know like for the first dry run or something, and if that's the case, well then you have ME to thank the next time you wanna go to Ralph's and not check your shit in at the door like some sort of porridge stealer.
So what happened was I went to Ralph's, like I said , and I walked in wearing my back pack because I was walking and I like to carry notes with me and stuff. It doesn't really matter why I was wearing the back pack, except to say that it wasn't to tote a bomb in with me, nor was it soon to be a book bag filled with stolen honey bears or something. So I walk in (behind another back pack carrier I might add), past this security guy and the guy tries to stop me. He's like, "Ma'am', you have to leave that at the desk." and I was like, "Who the hell calls me ma'am, jackass?" except I didn't say that part. Instead I said, "Whaa?" or something and he says, "You gotta leave that at the ..." and I just keep walking because I heard him the first time and I'm not doing it. That's right. The idea is so out of touch with itself that I just kept walking. I was proud of myself for doing this; I know how these security dudes can be...
Believe it or not I have often been under suspicion by security guards before. Yeah, I know, to many people I look like a sweet, innocent lover of dogs, but to some people apparently I look like a "deviant" or " a runaway", or perhaps a poverty stricken unwed mother, or a crack head, or I'm not sure what, but trust me it's not the first time I have been under suspect.
People of Asian and Mexican decent are especially susspicious of me, particularly if they work inside small crappy stores that carry posters and lame souvenirs. Those people almost always seem sure that I am some sort of juvenile delinquent that's up to no good. They're the ones that follow me around at stores, up and down each aisle, anyway.
For a long time it used to make me so nervous I would just leave the store and go home feeling guilty. Like I had done something. Stolen something, even though I hadn't. Then I would get this feeling like I shouldn't go out in public because I must look like a trouble maker and I must be carrying some sort of scarlet letter invisible to only me. Something that said, "No one loves her" or "Foster kid" or "Hey, she had lice in fourth grade." or something. And that if I wasn't careful, my having this scarlet letter would somehow cause some sort of horrible incident that would be bad for me and for all of mankind in the long run, so maybe I should just skip the store and stay home. Now I just ignore it or fuck around with them instead. Which is what I recommend you do if that sort of thing happens to you inside a place like that. Unless you're a black person and you're in Korea town, then you might wanna skip it.
Anyways back to what was I was saying about today...I could tell this wasn't some sort of policy. Afterall, I go to this place almost everyday, so I just kept walking. And when he asked me the second time I said, "No." This confused him a little and he was like, "What? Why..?" I was still walking and I just turned to him and said, "I'm not doing that. I don't do it and I won't do it. I'm just not doing it. "And then I just kept moving.
Ha. Now before you gasp or say, "What's the big deal?", or something let me tell you it IS a big deal. I know about a million people who would have done exactly what the guy said, no question. And then what? Now maybe this guy was just trying to get employee of the month or something. Maybe he's new on the job and trying to impress people with how great he is at being a "security guard", I don't know. But the point is if I had done it he would definitely do it again to someone, and they would say yes and pretty soon he'd be doing it without reason to everyone. So, no… Just no. No, no, no. I'm not doing it. I refuse to be treated, or to allow others to be treated, like they are thieves or terrorists in their own neighborhood grocery store. It's retarded.
It's Big Brother-y and it's gross. And if you think it's my imagination, I'm sad to say that you are wrong. If you want a perfect example of security gone amuck in a grocery store you have to go no further than the local Albertson's on Hill Hurst. I went in there for the last time ever about two months ago. Why? Because apparently the people at Albertson's think it is a good idea to have full screen home theater sized security screens inside their store. Not one, not two, not one at each door… an army of FULL SCREEN TV style cameras and screens, not one of those 7-11 jobbers. More like something you'd wanna take home and watch the game on, in every single aisle. Recording your mind numbing pros and cons debate over which is better "extra super" or "super everything" toothpaste.
I almost threw up when I saw them. And yes, they're on. Bright as day. You can re-enact scenes from your failed grocery store sitcom while you're in there. I'm certain a wanna be editor/director is working the boards. But anyway I almost threw up. And not just because I don't like to see myself in the grocery store among the common man, not just because I looked like total crap, as I often do when going to the grocery store (that let's-doll-ourselves-up-n-go-grocery- shopping! Hollywood eccentricity never really caught on with me.), not because it was in high def and my pores looked back, not even because I am a SAG actor, but because it is disgusting.
People go into their neighborhood grocery store, often spending large portions of their paychecks to eat week in and week out, and they are met with that kind of suspicion? And they even have little signs on the shelves in the aisles that say "Shopliftig is a crime. "Or hey don't steal. You're on camera" or something like that. It made me want to barf. It got me so mad that they would do that to their customers. Albertson's is a major grocery store and trust me; they are not being over run by theft and never have been over run by theft on fucking Hill Hurst. But people still go there. People just do what they're told and don't complain about anything and go along do-da-do-da-do and then what? They check your bags. Then come the cameras. Then what? You take off your shoes at the counter? Background checks? Cavity checks? What? Come on...People have managed to run stores without 15 security cameras in them way before fucking Albertson was even a gleam in his mommy's eye. I am just freaking tired of getting shit taken away from me. I won't do it. I will not go quietly into that dark back-pack-taking-off light!
But anyways back to the Ralph's incident... You know what happened when I said no? Guess. Guess what happened when I said, "No. I don't do that." Nothing. That's right, nothing. Nothing happened. Sure Mr. Security Guard may have been thrown for a second, but was it worth it for him to chase me around or something? No. So that's what I suggest you do. If they ask you.
In fact next time you go there wear a back pack. And if the guy asks you just say, "No. I'm sorry. I don't do that" and if you want you can add "Erica says hi!" and please also say, "I live in America." Because guess what, YOU DO. That's right. It's still America. I know it didn't seem like it there for a while, and we've still got a ways to go to get back to where we once were, but you have rights. Not like this is some "thing" about rights, but let's not just plod along letting first the government, and then big businesses push the envelope on your privacy without doing anything about it. Now I know we don't own Ralph's or anything, but when someone wants to try something and you let them, they WILL do it. Let them know you don't want less privacy. You want MORE PRIVACY.
This is not a military state. I would like to remind everyone to stop acting like it is. And stop letting it happen. Sure you can't stop some of it, but you know what, I don't want my ass searched when I go buy zucchini. Please do your best to see that yours does not get searched either (unless you're into that and it's like with a hot bag boy in the alley or something). Okay I'm done.