Friday, June 23, 2006

TV Commercials that aren't quite right

Okay there must be more of these, please share them if you have one! Here are two I've noticed. The Restasis one is currently running, the other one ran at least 3 years ago.

Restasis: Restasis is some eye drop for people with dry eyes. Here's the funny part. At the end of the commercial it says,

"blah, blah blah... Restasis may cause severe burning."
And right after that the lady who is taking the Restasis says,
"Restasis... More of my own tears."

Ha! This amuses me to no end. I sit around waiting for it to come on because it is so damn funny.

How long do you think it'll take them to figure that out before they pull it? I've seen it a handlful of times at least. I'm guessing at least another 3 weeks if ever.

My other favorite incident of poorly written commercial copy was for a brand name bread. I think it was called "Arrow Wheat" or "Orrow Wheat" or something, and I saw it a few years ago. I only saw it twice on daytime TV and no one else I know saw it before it got pulled...

The commercial starts off with a guy baking bread. It looks like he knows what he's doing because the oven is really big and he has a baker's hat on.

The guy pulls the bread out of the oven and the voiceover says, "...blah, blah, blah how great it is, thanks to our master bakers like Ed."

Hahaha, "Masterbakers" ha! Ha.

Thanks TV Commericals!


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