Proclamation of Doing Stuff
I have to get more done. More more more. Must, must must. In an effort to get more done today I am making a proclamation to do the following. If the things listed below do not get done today I will be forced to pubicly admit it on the world wide web and walk around for the rest of the evening my head bowed in shame at the notgettingitdoneness of it all.
Today I will:
Sign, copy and mail this letter thing to my lawyer. STATUS: Worth 1 point Scored: 0 Points. I . Didn't do it. Too hot to walk to the copy place thing.
Write 15 more thank you cards. STATUS: Worth 1 point. Scored: 1/2 point. I did 7 instead. I take thank you cards very seriously.
Somehow get to one bank and see if they will cash this one check and then somehow get to this second bank on the other side of town and do other banking related things there. STATUS: Worth 4 points. Scored:1/4 points. I did part 1 of this only to find they closed the account due to lack of activity. Then when I tried to reopen it they told me I couldn't use The Eye Care for Erica Emergency Eycare Fund as the name of my account anymore. But it was closed because of activity, and this was activity, but, but but. Ugh I left defeated after punch said bank manager in the face a few times. By then I could not bare to go to a whole 'nother bank.
Find and then pay the two medical bills that I lost while getting distracted by my dog being cute. STATUS: Worth: 1 point. Scored: 0 points. Nope. Dog is still cute. Plus it was too hot.
Purchase these items at a store: Drinking water, taquitos, and some sort of food that is at least mildly nourishing that I will then afterwards actually eat. STATUS: Worth 1 point. Scored: 1 point.Yep, I did this.
Write the new five minutes that I've been avoiding writing for the past few weeks. STATUS: Worth 5 points. Score: 3 points. Nope. I did however briefly think up a funny story to tell at a show for the topic, "Worlds Colliding". I didn't pick the topic.
Look over those five minutes as some sort of precursor to performing them somewhere tonight or Friday. Which I also have been avoiding because everybody knows blindish people aren't funny. STATUS: Worth: 4 points. Scored: 4 points. I thought about my story and then marched over to UCB where I had a triumphant return to the stage I think there were 10 people there. I didn't care, it was fun.
Water the lawn. With fervor. Stuff is dying out there. I could be responsible for the death of multiple living things. STATUS: Worth 1 point. Scored: 1 point.Yep, I did this one. Not really with fervor. More like, "Hey if I don't do this, that'll make me a jerk."
...So that's what it's come to people. If I have to threaten myself with some sort of internet flogging in order to stop from spending the entire day in some sort of a.d.d. anxiety attack then so be it. I am not going to judge myself for the fact that this list seems short and tedious and relatively inconsequential to anything at all. I've gotta start somewhere. Okay. Wish me luck.
Total possible points: 18
Life: 8 1/4 points
Me: 9 3/4 points
It's too late for me to know for sure if the math is right because I'm sick of scrolling up and down and I'm tired. I think I beat life by 1/2 a point which sounds like about what happens. No suprises here. Let's see what she can do tomorrow. For now it's back to you.
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