The best stuff never written
Hey, screw you. I'm taking this shit to the BANK people. (Done in an awesome 80's comic voice. Act out of atm card swipe optional. )
Random sketch ideas written a few minutes ago..
MYSPACE UNITES: Per a request by "Tom" for members to flex their power the Myspace community decides collectively to live life viturally, exclusively.This results in what first seems like a utopian society of peace, quiet and happieness that quickly implodes when "Reba" becoming the world's favorite sitcom. Reba McEntire sweeps the Emmys and very quickly becomes president. Awfulness and hilarity ensue. (General cry for offline activism)
THE PLAGUE- REVISTED: The year is 1353. Robbie Jackson (brother of president to be Andrew Jackson and historically out of place) Enters drunk and enthusiastic at a sewage pipe party thrown by rats. Exit shot of him being carried out on the backs of rats singing, "For he's a jolly good good fellow." (Continuous) Rats are throwing up and dying outside the party. (Cut to Robbie looking sickly at a different party.) Robbie kisses two girls on the cheek. Robbie drinks from several strangers' abandoned drinks. Close ups of double dipping. Robbie high fives several patrons. (Close up ) One furry hand punches the high fiver n the face. Cut to : Smokey the Bear: Only YOU can prevent (obvious dubbing) "The Plague". *
*based loosely on a drunk conversation with Bennie about both of us being sick this week and the fact that I once played Robbie Jackson in a fourth grade play where he died of the plague.
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